Monday, May 6, 2013

a.b.daisy LAUNCH! (formerly Inspire Me Thrifty)

Well, I don't know if it really counts as a launch... It's more of a re-launch. A rebirth!

But "rebirth party" doesn't exactly have the same ring, does it?

Welcome to a.b.daisy (formerly Inspire Me Thrifty). It's a new start for me as a blogger, and I'm so excited! If you're wondering why the transition, you can read my long-winded explanation here.

Over the past few months, I've been wanting to share more and more on the blog, and a.b.daisy will afford me that flexibility. Besides being a way to share all of my little homemaking joys, I hope the blog will become a bit more personal. I hope for it to encompass a whole home life, not just the things we put in our homes.

Time will tell :)

I hope you've enjoyed a most wonderful first week of May.

Speaking of May, it's getting WARM out here. Stay tuned for some hot-weather recipes like Brazilian lemonade, mango popsicles, and strawberry ice cream (the BEST I've ever had).

